
Find out about everybody in the book!


Cucumber Man

Cucumber man was a kid, but he grow up and became a cucumber warrior of the old type and he have to fight lots of villains and save everything what he can. Clothes: Cucumber man wears a cloak and ninja mask, to fight he uses cucumbers.  


  He worked for his boss, the Iron king, but he became the good guy and he is Cucumber man's sidekick, if you want to find a lot more, just read some my books. Clothes: Ironclaw have is metal-made armour with sword and shield.

TDN Kinesia

A spaceship that was a few times rebuilded is a great help to Cucumber man. This ship have lots weapons, like cannons, laser big-blasters or cucumber ultra-cannon, which can destroy whole planet-guns or smaller planets. Weapons: TDN Kinesia have 6 down-low cannons, 3x2 cannons(6 cannons in total),...

TDN Kinesia Fighter

TDN Kinesia fighter is a smalll, fast plane that have quite powerfull weapons. Cucumber man have his one fighter. Weapons: TDN Kinesia fighter has four small guns or two bigger machineguns. It also have one cucumber cannon (you can see on picture how the cannon works), it has four engynes.


Iron King

Iron King is a leader of Iron side, but when cucumber warriors defeat iron side and Cucumber man lock the Iron king to prison, he blows himself up. Clothes: Iron king is wearing typical king's suit and he has no weapon.

Explosion king

Well, this name sounds a bit stupid, but by the name, this king rules the Explosion side on Tomato side. When Tomato side and Cucumber man defeat Explosion side, the Explosion king blows himself up, just like Iron king. Clothes: Explosion king doesn't have any weapons, only some grenates, he...

Pirate leader

Pirates are really bad news. They got all sorts of weapons and they attack anybody, sometimes even other pirates. The leader of pirates meets the other two kings (Iron&Explodion kings) and make a deal to destroy Cucumber man. Bud TDN Kinesia with Cucumber man can wight all of the pirates and...

Pirate Ship

A ship that pirates use to have, they have losts of different ships and this one is one of them. Weapons: This ship is quite plain, it has only one bigger weapon, laser turret, it can be controlled by only one person, it's just a small ship.